Useful Resources
Facts for Families
Handouts and printouts covering a broad range of topics related to child/adolescent mental health.
Cognitive Distortions
List for helping identify unhelpful, unhealthy patterns of thinking that could negatively impact mood and behavior
Scales to Help Evaluate for Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder
For Children - Click Here
For Adults - Click Here
ADHD Stimulant Worksheet
Worksheet for tracking effects of new stimulant medication
ADHD Medication Guide
Informative and comprehensive guide about ADHD medications created for parents by the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
The Speaker-Listener Technique
Provides a useful framework for having meaningful, productive conversations and improving communication with family, friends, colleagues, etc.
Scale to Help Evaluate for Bipolar Disorder
Tips for Bringing Out the Best in Your Child
Brief list of suggestions for parents to help with cultivating healthy attitudes and behavior in children
Automatic Thought Record
Chart that provides a framework for identifying and replacing negative, unhealthy, and unhelpful thoughts.