Video Transcripts
You Could Very Well Be Underestimating the Power of These
Did you know that researchers have found that verbal aggression produced larger effects than physical abuse within families.
So, the topic for this brief post is The Power of Words.
Be careful how you use words because words carry significant power.
What is this Mess? — A Look at Some Common Anxiety Disorders
You cannot get out of your head. No matter how hard you try it’s like you’re trapped in there. Right inside your head. And the thoughts—the thoughts there inside your head are worrisome. In fact, every single thought you have conveys worry. And there isn’t a single aspect of your life that you don’t find worthy of worry. You worry about whether your job position’s going to fizzle out. You worry about repaying your loans. You worry that your relationship with your partner could go off the rails at any moment. You worry that you don’t have a partner. You worry about that spot on your leg. You worry that your car could break down any second. Even your worries worry. And the worry affects you physically. You can’t concentrate because you’re so worried. You have headaches and tense muscles in your neck and shoulders because you’re worried. You are so difficult to be around because you’re irritable. And you’re irritable because you’re worried. You can’t sleep because worry keeps you up at night. It’s a miserable existence and you can’t continue to live like this. Sound familiar? This is common. And it has a name. This is a type of anxiety disorder, and it’s treatable.