Video Transcripts
What is this Mess? — A Look at Some Common Anxiety Disorders
You cannot get out of your head. No matter how hard you try it’s like you’re trapped in there. Right inside your head. And the thoughts—the thoughts there inside your head are worrisome. In fact, every single thought you have conveys worry. And there isn’t a single aspect of your life that you don’t find worthy of worry. You worry about whether your job position’s going to fizzle out. You worry about repaying your loans. You worry that your relationship with your partner could go off the rails at any moment. You worry that you don’t have a partner. You worry about that spot on your leg. You worry that your car could break down any second. Even your worries worry. And the worry affects you physically. You can’t concentrate because you’re so worried. You have headaches and tense muscles in your neck and shoulders because you’re worried. You are so difficult to be around because you’re irritable. And you’re irritable because you’re worried. You can’t sleep because worry keeps you up at night. It’s a miserable existence and you can’t continue to live like this. Sound familiar? This is common. And it has a name. This is a type of anxiety disorder, and it’s treatable.
This May Be One of the Fastest Ways You Can Transform Your Relationships
This morning, I want to share with you a skill set that may very well be one of the fastest ways to transform your relationship with others.
So, if you’re new to me, I’m Dr. K Martin also known as Dr. K. I’m both a child and adolescent psychiatrist and general psychiatrist based in the Southeast. My goal with these brief posts is to provide you with quick and easy access to information about mental health. Keep in mind that this information is not meant to serve as a substitute for your personal mental health care. Please talk to your provider before implementing any suggestions that I mention in these posts. The topic for today is The Speaker - Listener Technique.
This Could Be One of The Fastest Ways to Eliminate Stress
Okay. So, I know I may look crazy to you this morning. But honestly, I don’t even care. Why? Because I am providing you with an illustration.
It’s called a high block. I learned it in karate class. Okay, so obviously, I am not a martial arts expert — I'm a blue belt and haven’t been to a class in about 10 years. But that’s okay, just roll with it.
Slaying the Beast of Anxiety — Part Two
Anxiety! Oh, my goodness! Who needs this mess? No one, right? Yeah! Anxiety can be a monster. But today, we’re gonna talk about yet another way to slay this beast.
So, hey! My name is Dr. K, and if you are new to me, I’m a psychiatrist based in the Southeast, and I’m all about posting content to increase awareness of mental illness and help overcome common mental health struggles. And today, we’re going to lay out yet another strategy for conquering that monster — anxiety.
Slaying the Beast of Anxiety — Part Three
Anxiety! Oh, my goodness! Who needs this mess? No one, right? Yeah! Anxiety can be a monster. But today, we’re gonna talk about yet another way to slay this beast.
So, hey! My name is Dr. K, and if you are new to me, I’m a psychiatrist based in the Southeast, and I’m all about posting content to increase awareness of mental illness and help overcome common mental health struggles. And today, we’re going to lay out yet another strategy for conquering that monster — anxiety.
Slaying the Beast of Anxiety — Part One
Anxiety! Oh, my goodness! Who needs this mess? Not today. Y’all, anxiety can be a beast. But we cannot let it stop us from doing what we need to do, and that’s what we’re gonna talk about today.
My name is Dr. K, and if you’re new to me, I’m a psychiatrist based in the Southeast. And my aim is to post helpful and relevant information about mental illness and how we can engage in habits to promote a healthy headspace that results in healthy behavior.
Slaying the Beast of Anxiety: Eliminate, Delegate, or Defer — Part Four
Welcome to Mental Health | Plain Speak. I’m Dr. K — a psychiatrist in the Southeast, and my aim is to bring you meaningful content on mental health topics. And truth be told, I’d love to be one of the many people along your path that points you in the direction of living your best life and becoming the best version of yourself.